Patient Services

The Memorial Hospital has a highly skilled allied health team available to provide patients with support as required. The services include:

  • Dietetics
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Wound care

Referrals to these services can be made by your Doctor.

All people, regardless of religious faith or cultural backgroundhave pastoral and spiritual needs. Illness or other traumas in life can bestressful and at these times the help of others may be valuable. Family membersand friends are often an important support, but sometimes the presence of aperson who is independent of the situation can be helpful.

Our pastoral care team is available to be a listening presenceif you would like to talk through what is happening for you or can offer prayerand traditional faith support if that is appropriate to your needs.

The Peace Chapel, an area for prayer and reflection, is located on leveltwo.

Chaplain Rev Dave Williamson is located at The Memorial Hospital and can becontacted on 088366 3809.

Our aim is to make patient discharge a smooth process. When admitted to The Memorial Hospital, your discharge needs will be discussed with you and your family / carer Case Managers are available to assist with planning additional support should they be required on discharge.

Case Managers act as a resource for staff and can also meet individually with patients (and their next of kin), who have complex care needs or who will not be able to return back into the community without additional support.

Community referrals are dependent on multiple factors, which can include patient’s health fund, age, health needs, availability of resources and waiting periods. Case managers are able to provide support and direction for referral.

An interpreter service can be arranged when necessary. Please ask the nursing staff to arrange an interpreter for you. Charges may apply.

We are reducing our waste, one digital newspaper and magazine at a time.

Our patients now have access to a free digital content service, which offers users access to over 7,000 newspapers and magazines - from art, through to health and fitness, fashion and everything in between. Available in over 150 languages and accessibility-friendly, we look forward to not only caring for you during your stay, but keeping you entertained too.

Login using our free Wi-Fi, to access the latest content during your stay.

What is Patient Finder?

Patient Finder is a quick and easy way to provide your family and friends with information about your location during your hospital stay. It is designed mainly to assist friends and relatives of patients undergoing surgery. It will allow them to track your progress through theatre, recovery and your return to the ward. The ward, room number and in some cases the phone extension number in your room are included in the displayed information. If you change wards and rooms during your hospital stay, Patient Finder will display your updated location.

How is Patient Finder accessed?

There are two ways for your family and friends to access Patient Finder:

  • Shortly after you are admitted to hospital, a SMS will be sent to the mobile phone number held in your hospital record. Forward this message onto family and friends. This message contains a web link to the Patient Finder app. They need to click on the link to open Patient Finder. It provides your location and displays other key pieces of information. This can only be used if you pass on the information on to your family and friends
  • Reception staff will supply you with a Patient Finder card containing information including a web address that can be entered into a browser. Alternatively you can scan the QR Code® provided on the back of the card. Reception staff will have written your admission number on the back of the card

Patient Finder provides your family and friends with the comfort of easily knowing where you are in the hospital at any given time.

Click here to access Patient Finder.

QR Code® is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Incorporated

HPS Pharmacies provide pharmacy services for our hospital. If you have any questions related to an account, or a general enquiry, please contact them directly on 08 8193 9100.

Our Assistance

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