Patient Admission and Discharge Information

For the latest COVID-19 restrictions on patient admission, please visit the COVID-19 Information page.

Booking your stay at The Memorial Hospital has never been easier

At ACHA, we want to provide you with the highest quality care and make your stay with us as stress-free as possible.

Booking your admission online is now faster and easier than ever before. Our eAdmissions portal enables you to book into any of our hospitals online anytime, anywhere on any device.

Getting your eAdmission done

Before getting started, please have these details ready:

  • Your eAdmission information card provided by your specialist
  • A contact email address and mobile phone number
  • Your current Medicare card, pension or pharmacy benefit card
  • Details of private health insurance, DVA or any other third party coverage
  • Personal and next of kin information
  • Your GP and referring doctor details
  • Current medications, both prescribed and supplementary. If you already have a list of your medications, you can upload this information before you submit your eAdmission.

To start your eAdmission click the patient login button below, or head to

If you are using eAdmissions for the first time:

  1. Select ‘Create User’
  2. Enter your details and create a password
  3. Then click Validate. We will text your phone with a validation code, enter that into the box on the screen and select ‘Validate’
  4. Enter the personal details of the patient to create a patient profile
  5. Select the patient you are completing the admission forms for then select ‘New Admission’ and follow the prompts.

If you are a returning patient:

  1. Log in using your email address and password
  2. Select the patient you are completing the admission forms (if you are completing the forms for another family member for the first time, select ‘Add New Patient’ and complete their personal details)
  3. Select ‘New Admission’ and follow the prompts.

If you are a returning patient, your personal details and health history information will pre-populate from your previous admission forms. Just make sure to update any information that may have changed.

The eAdmission process is split into two parts: admission forms and health history. Once they have both been submitted, the hospital will be notified and we can start to prepare for your stay. Please allow 15-30 minutes to complete your eAdmission, ensuring it is submitted as soon as possible and no later than 3 days prior to your admission.

Need help?

If you need assistance with completing your eAdmission / paper admission forms, please contact us on 08 8366 3800.

Insured Patients

It is important that you are aware of any financial obligations related to your admission. If this has not been discussed with you, please ask to speak to one of our accounts staff.

You will be asked to complete and sign a health insurance claim form on admission. Any excess payment applicable to your policy will be required to be paid on or prior to admission. The Memorial Hospital will submit your claim directly to your health fund on your behalf.

In the event that your health fund rejects your claim for reimbursement for any reason, the hospital will seek to recover any amounts outstanding from you.

If you do not sign a health insurance claim form before discharge, a form will be sent to you for completion. The Memorial Hospital requests that you return the completed and signed claim form as soon as possible.

Private Health Insurance

The Memorial Hospital has an agreement with the majority of private health funds to cover the hospital charges for your admission, depending on the level of your cover. Some levels of cover require you to pay an excess or co-payment and you will be asked to pay this prior to, or on admission. In addition, health fund policies require members to serve waiting periods before they will provide cover, and some levels of cover have excluded services. Pre-existing ailment rules also apply and your cover may be subject to these rules. The Memorial Hospital therefore strongly recommends that you contact your health fund to confirm your cover prior to your admission.

Medicare / Doctor's Fees

Medicare does not cover any private hospital accommodation (room charges) nor theatre fees as this is covered by your private health insurer. Doctor's fees are covered by Medicare and your private health insurer and depending on your doctor and health insurance cover there may be a gap payable. You should discuss these charges with your doctor and your health fund. You may also receive separate accounts for the following:

  • Attending Surgeon / Assisting Surgeon / Anaesthetist
  • Attending Physician (non surgical stay or medical consultation)
  • Medical Imaging (if x-rays or scans were required)
  • Pathology (if any tests such as blood tests or biopsies were required)
  • Intensive Care Specialist (if you require a stay in the Critical Care Unit)
  • Emergency Department

Payment Methods

The Memorial Hospital accepts cash, bank cheques, money orders, eftpos©, Amex, Visa and MasterCard for any amounts payable.

Please note a surcharge applies for credit card transactions.

Personal cheques and business cheques will not be accepted. Payment must be made prior to, or on admission.

Self Insured Patients

If you are a self insured patient (ie, you do not have private health insurance), you will be required to pay an estimate of the total amount of the hospital account prior to admission. Contact our Accounts Department on 08 8366 3800 and we will provide you with a written quote.

WorkCover / Third Party Insurance

If your admission is as a result of a WorkCover, Third Party or Public Liability claim, we require prior written approval for your admission from the relevant insurance company. Once this approval is received, your admission can progress and you can get back on the road to recovery.

Where claims have not been approved by the insurance company, we can provide you with a written quote and you can choose to be admitted as a self insured patient. Contact our Accounts Department on 08 8366 3800 for further information.


HPS Pharmacies provide pharmacy services for our hospital. If you have any questions related to an account, or a general enquiry, please contact them directly on 08 8193 9100.

You will be billed by the pharmacy contracted to the hospital for any medications prescribed to you that were not related to your hospital stay / treatment and discharge medications.

Boarding Fees

Boarding can be arranged if required. There are standard boarding rates available which cover the cost of food and accommodation. One parent / carer is required to stay with their child, boarding fees do not apply to this.

Patient Transport

Medicare does not cover ambulance costs. Some private health insurance policies do cover the cost of an ambulance, however many only cover you for emergency transport. Please contact your health fund to determine your level of cover. If you have separate ambulance cover please advise us.

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Admissions to The Memorial Hospital can occur in a variety of ways. Planned admissions will be arranged by your Doctor who will inform you of the date and in some cases, the time you need to come to hospital.

Preadmission Service

The Memorial Hospital has a dedicated Preadmission Nurse. You may be contacted via phone one to two days prior to a planned admission. During this call the Preadmission Nurse will discuss your hospital admission, confirm relevant information with you and will assist to answer any questions you may have about your admission.

If you wish to speak with the Preadmission Nurse, please call 08 8366 3458.

Day Surgery

Preparation for Your Stay

Please shower, wear comfortable clothing and remove your jewellery (you may leave your wedding ring on). Please do not wear any make up and remove your nail polish.

Contact your Doctor if you experience any change in your condition prior to the day of your operation (cough, fever, etc).

Prior to your admission you will receive a phone call or SMS confirming your admission time. In some cases your Doctor may have already provided you with these details.

It is very important that you strictly adhere to your fasting time as detailed by your Doctor. Fasting also includes drinking any liquid, smoking and chewing gum.

Please arrange for someone to escort you home after your discharge

Admission to Day Surgery Unit

On arrival to the hospital, present to Reception, located on level one.

After your admission has been processed and identity details confirmed by our reception team, we encourage you to farewell your loved ones, you will then be escorted to the Day Surgery Unit, where you will be admitted by a Nurse, who will provide you with information about your stay in hospital. Please advise your Nurse should you require a medical / carers certificate.

While we aim to keep your waiting time to a minimum, the nature of surgery may result in a delay due to unexpected or extended needs of other patients. We will keep you informed of this on the day and ask for your patience.

After your procedure you will spend some time in Recovery, prior to returning to the Day Surgery Unit.

Discharge from the Day Surgery Unit

We aim to give you and your family an approximate discharge time from the hospital.

You will be given written information with your post operative instructions, if this has not already been provided to you by your Doctor. Please be aware following your anaesthetic you will be required to have someone stay with you overnight and for the following 24 hours you will not be able to drive.

We will make contact with you following your surgery to check on your progress.

Overnight Stay

Preparation for Your Stay

Please shower, wear comfortable clothing and remove your jewellery (you may leave your wedding ring on). Please do not wear any make up and remove your nail polish.

Contact your Doctor if you experience any change in your condition prior to the day of your operation (cough, fever, etc).

Prior to your admission you will receive a phone call or SMS confirming your admission time. In some cases your Doctor may have already provided you with these details.

It is very important that you strictly adhere to your fasting time as detailed by your Doctor. Fasting also includes drinking any liquid, smoking and chewing gum.

Admission for Surgery requiring Overnight Stay

On arrival to the hospital, present to Reception, located on level one.

After your admission has been processed and identity details confirmed by our reception team, in most cases you are encouraged to farewell loved ones, you will then be escorted to the Day of Surgery Admission Lounge or, in some cases, directly to the ward. A Nurse will admit you and provide you with information about your stay in hospital. Please advise your Nurse should you require a medical / carers certificate.

While we aim to keep your waiting time to a minimum, the nature of surgery may result in a delay due to unexpected / extended needs of other patients. We will keep you informed of this on the day and ask for your patience.

Post Operative Management

After your procedure you will spend some time in Recovery, prior to returning to the ward, where your Nurse will monitor and assist you.


The Memorial Hospital provides a range of accommodation including single and shared rooms. Every effort is made to provide you with your preferred style of accommodation. Please discuss your particular needs with the nursing staff on your ward.


The Memorial Hospital aims to provide you with a selection of appetising meals to provide the appropriate nourishment to aid recovery.

Special dietary requests can be met if required, please discuss with nursing staff, a Dietician is available on referral from your Doctor.

Meals are served at these approximate times:

7.30am – 8.15am

Morning Tea

11.30am – 12.15pm

Afternoon Tea

4.30pm – 5.15pm


Discharge time is 10.00am. We ask that you make arrangements to be picked up accordingly. If you are unable to leave hospital at this time, please discuss with nursing staff.

Prior to Discharge

Before you leave hospital make sure that you or your carer:

  • Know what further care you require at home
  • Collect medication that will be required
  • Know when and where your follow-up appointments are
  • Collect any x-rays or imaging tests performed

Transport Home

We advise that you should be in the company of a responsible adult for 24 hours after a procedure and you must have somebody escort you home from the hospital.

Discharge Planning Assitance

Further information for patients requiring additional support with discharge planning can be found here.

Falls Prevention

Patients have an increased risk of falling whilst in hospital due to the unfamiliar environment, changes in mobility and strength and the influence of some of their medications. Your safety is of paramount importance to us, therefore we ask that you take some simple measures to assist us:

  • Sleepwear should be no longer than knee length
  • Dressing gown should be no longer than knee length
  • Slippers, socks and shoes should be non-slip and flat

It’s OK to Ask Program

It’s OK to Ask is a patient safety program that highlights that the patient is the most important member of the healthcare team and that excellence in healthcare requires a partnership with patients.

Patients who take part in decisions about their care are more likely to have better outcomes:

  • It’s OK to Ask questions and let us know your concerns and special needs
  • It’s OK to Ask questions about why something is being done or not
  • It’s OK to Ask for more information about your medical condition
  • It’s OK to Ask for help and become involved as a partner in your medical care

Patient Centred Care

The Memorial Hospital supports Patient Centred Care which encourages active involvement of patients and their families in the decision making and planning of care. Our staff endevour to be respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences and values.

Please discuss any concerns or questions with the nursing staff.

Pressure Injury Prevention

A pressure injury is an area of skin damage such as a wound, sore, ulcer or areas of persistent reddening caused by direct pressure or friction.

To prevent pressure injury keep active by shifting your position on a regular basis. Let nursing staff know if you have any sore spots on your body and they will assist to implement additional prevention methods such as a pressure relieving mattress.

Goals of Care

Goals of care describe what you want to achieve during your episode of care, within the context of your clinical situation. Goals of care are the clinical and personal goals that are important for you and your recovery. Identifying your goals of care helps to prioritise care activities and contributes to your overall hospital experience.

What Matters to You?

We care about what matters to you, the better we understand what motivates you, the better placed we are to assist you to get back to what is important.

  • Health Care Card
  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Pharmaceutical Safety Net Card
  • Health Insurance Card
  • Family Prescription Record Card
  • Department of Veteran's Affairs Health Card
  • Medicare Card
  • Worker's Compensation Claims Agent Details
  • Third Party / Accident Details
  • All medication currently being taken (in original packaging)
  • A list of all current medications from your General Practitioner
  • All medication repeat prescriptions
  • All relevant x-rays / scans
  • Notes / letters / reports from your doctor
  • Pyjamas / dressing gown
  • Slippers (non-slip)
  • Toiletries including soap, etc
  • Glasses / hearing aids
  • Walking aid (if required)
  • CPAP machine (if required)

What Not to Bring

In the interests of safety, we request that you do not bring talcum powder, wheat bags, hot water bottles or heat packs of any kind to hospital.

Personal Effects / Valuables

We strongly advise patients not to bring valuables, jewellery or money to hospital. The Memorial Hospital does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.

Electrical Equipment

We encourage you not to bring electrical items into the hospital. If you do bring an electrical item with you, please ensure the cords are in good condition. Particular care should be taken with hair dryers, straighteners and shavers due to their internal heating elements and the increased risk of electrocution near water. Hairdryers are available for patient use.

Free Wi-Fi

The Memorial Private Hospital is pleased to offer all patients complimentary Wi-Fi service to assist you to stay connected with their loved ones. Our friendly staff are here to help you stay connected

Digital drop ins

Digital drop ins are a great way to connect with others via video applications including FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, Facebook Messenger.

To assist patients to stay connected with friends and family using a smart phone (eg. iPhone), tablet (eg. iPad) or laptop, we are pleased to share these guides [Tips to Keep Connected] and [Free Hospital Wi-Fi Network] which provide simple step by step instructions to help.

Our Assistance

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